Word from the Secretary General

Welcome to the website of the NGO CAEB (Advice and Support for Basic Education)

Dear partners, dear visitors,

It is a privilege for me to present to you on behalf of the Board of Directors and all the staff of the NGO CAEB (Advice and Support for Basic Education), our best wishes for good health, of happiness and prosperity for this year 2020.

We take this good opportunity to express our gratitude to the institutions and people of good will who believed in us and who were kind enough to support us in our noble mission of supporting communities and underprivileged communities at the base in their development efforts for a a more just and united society.

We will reiterate our desire to continue to consolidate the achievements and face new challenges by offering you a new formula for the presentation of our website. 

We want this site to be the showcase of the mission that we have set for ourselves to support actors, strategic partners of disadvantaged communities and rural communities through the implementation of our projects and programs.

As such, this site is our privileged instrument of information and communication of local development actors, whether they are development partners, State services, Local Authorities, Civil society organizations. , the private sector and communities.

This is an opportunity for me to congratulate and encourage all those who strive to make this site better, user-friendly and informative to the great happiness and benefit of visitors (strategic partners, technical and ordinary citizens). Their suggestions and recommendations are welcome. I hope you will find the information you have come here for. 

I would like this site to be a space for discussion around local development initiatives that will strengthen participation, such as to stimulate a new dynamic of collaboration. 

Dear partners, visitors, I hope that you will take full advantage of the interactive discussion forum that the site will make available to you. Finally, the site will give you the opportunity to ask any questions relating to our achievements and to obtain a prompt and satisfactory answer interactively. 

I am happy, in my capacity as Secretary General of the NGO CAEB (Advice and Support for Basic Education) to welcome everyone to our website.

Good navigation. 

Secretary General
Gahoussou TRAORE

Rapport technique et financier 2021

Rapport annuel CAEB 2022

Rapport Annuel 2023 de CAEB

Plan strategique CAEB 2023-2027

Plan CAEB Manuel de Procédures

Rapport d'audit GLOBAL-2023

Manuel de suivi évaluation




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