CAEB: Advice and Support for Basic Education D
ate of creation: April 1994
Association receipt: N ° 0587 of September 21, 1994
Framework agreement: N ° 529 of February 14, 1995 with the renewal of the NGO is registered under N ° 0914 of October 20, 2008.
Legal status: Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for humanitarian purposes
Our representations:
Headquarters is at Baco-Djicoroni ACI Rue 718 Porte 840 – BP: E 2310 – Tel: 20 28 56 60. Email: / Bamako – Republic of Mali
Our management bodies:
The general assembly: defines the general policy and major orientations of the NGO and ensures the achievement of its objectives. It meets twice a year when convened by the executive committee or 3/4 of its members. It has 25 members (14 women and 11 men).
The executive committee: is the intermediate body for contact, monitoring and execution of the decisions of the assembly. It meets once every two months and has 5 members.
The permanent secretariat: It is managed by a permanent secretary responsible for coordinating the actions of the NGO. It is made up of administrative and programmatic staff and the technical unit (resource persons and project / program managers)
Our mission: Promote participatory development of grassroots communities by strengthening their self – management capacities.
Our vision: To be in 5 years (2007 – 2011) a reference structure in terms of organization and promotion of representative self-managed community institutions capable of creating a stable socio-economic environment in their communities.
Our goals :
Contribute to the economic growth of disadvantaged groups through technical or financial support for income-generating economic initiatives, the establishment or connection with savings and credit banks.
Increase the literacy rate of communities through formal and informal education by promoting ECOMS, literacy centers.
Strengthen the institutional and organizational capacities of grassroots groups / associations, municipalities through training and support / advice to promote their effective participation in the planning, implementation and monitoring / evaluation processes of development actions in their localities .
Improve the socio – health conditions of the communities through IEC activities and the promotion of CSCOMs.
Promote human rights at all levels through advocacy and lobbying.
Our target groups are: children in difficult situations, women entrepreneurs, producer groups and associations, social and cultural community organizations.
Our methodological approach: In its intervention methodology CAEB emphasizes the involvement and empowerment of beneficiaries in all phases of an activity. So the management team will conduct strong negotiation and community education.
Each ongoing CAEB project takes into account participation and complementarity between genders and ages at the community level. This approach is adopted in all mobilization and social organization activities which is the basis of the operation of all CAEB projects and programs.
It should be noted that all CAEB projects are the subject of a training component for the capacity building of community structures.
Our vision of partnership: is complementarity in actions based on mutual respect. This partnership is characterized by development or capacity building, exchange between partners (beneficiaries, state technical services, NGOs and other development projects), financial support for the implementation of the actions identified.
Our human resources: For the implementation of actions, CAEB has within it a very experienced multidisciplinary staff composed of agricultural engineers, livestock, rural engineers, doctors in health, sociologists, psycho-pedagogues, community development technicians, lawyers, economists and financiers.